Canine Influenza -What you Need to Know

Dog Flu (H3N8) was first diagnosed in Florida in 2004. This strain of the Flu is thought to have mutated from a similar Equine Flu (horses). Symptoms in your dog include, runny nose, coughing, fever, lethargy & loss of appetite. Dogs can exhibit all, just a few, or none of these symptoms depending on whether the flu is mild or severe. The more severe outbreak will exhibit higher fevers (104-106) and more dangerous complications including pneumonia. The Dog Flu is transmitted through direct contact with a sick pet, coughing & sneezing, sharing of toys, and even from humans petting a sick pet then tranferring the germs to a healthy pet. The best prevention is in addition to vaccination, healthy pets are kept separate from sick ones and their human parents must wash their hands between handling pets.
There is a new strain of Dog flu that seems to be spreading around the country this year (H3N2) for which there is no vaccine. It is nearly identical genetically, to the Flu reported in Korea, Thailand and China previously. As many as 8 pets have died so far, in this country, from this strain, but the majority (over 1000 reported cases) have recovered with few if any lasting effects. Illinios, Ohio, and Wisconsin have all reported cases and Houston Texas has seen a few as well.
Treatment of either of these strains of Canine Flu is mainly supportive. Good nutrition, hydration, and good animal care practices, as well as antibiotics when pnuemonia or other secondary infections dictate.
The strain known as H3N8 is not transmittable to humans or other pets, although as mentioned earlier it seems to have mutated from an equine flu. The new strain H3N2, has been reported in Asia to infect cats & possibly guinea pigs and ferrets.
At Bluebonnet Grooming, the health of your pet is our primary concern.
~We recommend all our clients keep their pets up to date on all vaccines and we require proof of all vaccines which are required by law.
~We will never accepts pets that are exhibiting any signs of illness and if any symptoms present during their visits, ill pets will be quarantined and their owners will be contacted to pick up their pet(s) as soon as possible with a recommendation to seek veterinary care.
~We prevent cross contamination of diseases and parasites by strict control of the pets in our care. We do not allow pets to greet each other nose to nose.
~We disinfect all our kennels and water bowls in between each pet as well as every evening with a kennel grade disinfectant.
~We are very careful to clean up any “pet accidents” immediately with a kennel grade disinfectant, and we keep our tools and tables disinfected as well.
Parents of pets in San Antonio can come to Bluebonnet for grooming and know they will come home healthy and beautifully groomed.
Photo credit: Google
Source: American Veterinary Medical Assn.
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